MMS it is safe?
MMS used to disinfect blood plasma is talked about in various circles and some people interpret it as a cure for coronavirus and any other pathogen, all that came out of this article Chlorine Dioxide Is a Size-Selective Antimicrobial Agent in the abstract indicates “ClO2, the so-called <ideal biocide> could also be applied as an antiseptic if it were understood why the solution that kills microbes quickly does not cause harm to humans or animals. Our goal was to find the source of that selectivity by studying its reaction-diffusion mechanism both theoretically and experimentally. ”
In the article we can see that they apply CIO2 to disinfect pathogens in a proportion of 300 μl per liter, between the silicone membranes that is only permeable to CIO2, the serum or anything we want to disinfect is placed, and in the lower part it is located the solution with water and purified CIO2.
In such a way that when it evaporates it passes through the two membranes and disinfects the substance spread between the two plates in a thin layer so that the CIO2 passes through it in a few minutes and avoids doing damage to the cells but enough to disinfect Up to now, everything is correct, but the problem arises when it is intended to ingest, to the extent indicated, the MMS is an aqueous solution of 28% sodium chlorite NaCIO2 approximately 280 ml per liter of water, that is to say 1000 times greater than the amount than in the Same study is indicated as safe.
For the MMS to be distributed and can reach all the infected cells of the organism, it must be ingested and last long enough to carry out such work, that can last several hours, and so that it is not dangerous, it should evaporate in minutes as it happens with the CIO2 measurement and transport machine something that is far from what happens inside our body, within the human body that compound can take a long time since it cannot evaporate or go anywhere and can only be excreted by kidneys, urine and feces, that explains the liver as well as the intestinal problems that have been detected in many people who carry out a continuous use of this product.
In case you intend to consume in a non-toxic quantity that the article defines in 100ml bottles, you must introduce a proportion of less than 30µl of water, otherwise there will be problems where that liquid will pass, it is worth bearing in mind that this 30µl will not be able to evaporate from the body which means that it will cause damage.
In a hypothetical case for this compound to have an effect it should be concentrated only in the kidneys instead of being distributed throughout the body, for a small person (50kg) or someone 80kg or more where 70% is water the compound will not be enough to have any healing effect.