Radiation in 1024 words.
It is everywhere, at every step, it is more, you who are reading this are radioactive, your neighbor, your partner, your dog, the apple of breakfast … everything.
Ionizing radiation: is a type of energy released by atoms in the form of electromagnetic waves (gamma rays or X-rays) or particles (alpha and beta particles or neutrons).
Gamma radiation (γ): is a type of electromagnetic radiation, and therefore constituted by photons, generally produced by radioactive elements or by subatomic processes such as the annihilation of a positron-electron pair. It is also generated in astrophysical phenomena of great violence. Energy of this nature is measured in megaelectronvolts. A MeV corresponds to gamma photons of wavelengths less than 10–11 m or frequencies greater than 1019 Hz.
Non-ionizing radiation: They are those whose energy is not able to tear an electron to an atom, in a few words it does not produce ionizations in matter, within it there are two well-known ones.
· Electromagnetic radiation: They are generated by electric fields, such as radio waves, power lines, mobile networks
· Optical radiation: Light in general, visible spectrum, infrared and ultraviolet.
Sources and radioactive materials produce ionizing radiation that, when affecting the human organism, can produce effects to quantify the radiation dose, this should be reduced as much as posible.
According to data, the average dose is estimated at 3.7 millisievert (mSv) per year, of which 2.4 mSv is due to natural radiation from the natural radioactive background.
The largest amount of radiation received is of natural origin, the exact value of this depends on factors such as altitude and subsoil materials, this is known as natural ionizing radiation.
The geographical place where you live also influences the levels of radiation received, at the poles it is greater than at the equator and at sea level this index decreases with respect to the mountains. The average dose by cosmic radiation is set at 0.39 mSv / year and can range between 0.3 and 1mSv / year.
The decay of uranium (natural element) produces a gas known as Rn-222 (Radium), the average dose coming from it is 1.15 mSv / year in some areas it can reach high values of up to 40mSv / year, the radon dose It is essentially received inside buildings since it dissipates easily in the exteriors, the concentrations of Rn-222 are conditioned by geological characteristics, type and construction materials and degree of ventilation of the dwellings, the optimal way to avoid concentrations potentially dangerous is to adequately ventilate rooms especially those located on the lower coasts and basements.
Construction materials are also radioactive which means that we are exposed to them in enclosed and open-air places, thorium, uranium (explained above) when disintegrating becomes radon, a colorless, odorless gas that can cause high concentrations Lung cancer, rocks of any kind may contain traces of radioactive elements, rocky materials inside the home do not pose a health risk.
Everything is radioactive.
The greatest source of internal irradiation is potassium-40 is present in all foods and water, the chances of reducing the radioactive exposure in the diet are zero, the average dose is 0.29 mSv / year of which 0.17 mSv they are due to potassium-40. Seafood, loved by many people, concentrates more radioactive material in such a way that people who consume significant amounts of these elements receive a natural radioactive dose of up to 50% more than the average.
Radioactive materials and radiation sources are used in the treatment of cancer in high doses in order to destroy the tumor, in developed countries the average for diagnostic purposes is of the order of 1.0 mSv / year, the dose received is not equal for all people due to factors such as body mass, age and geographical location, in the same way it is different for diagnostic tests.
Environment: Research centers, hospitals and nuclear industry are governed by a control of the discharge of radioactive waste, in a nearby environment the value received in potential dose is below 0.1 μSv / year the dose equivalent to the intake of A banana value is given because it contains potassium-40. The radioactivity in the atmosphere due to tests with atomic bombs is deposited on the earth’s surface (radioactive rain), since 1960 the dose has decreased between 0.08–0.14 mSv / year, the current value is around 5 μSv /year.We receive radiation as a result of consumer products, technology, household goods vehicles, the average annual dose is 10 µSv and in some cases it can reach 1mSv, you have already guessed at this precise moment you are receiving radiation, now think of everything Does that conspiracy content still make sense?
Siervert. (symbol: Sv) is an SI-derived unit of ionizing radiation dose in the International System of Units (SI) and is a measure of the health effect of low levels of ionizing radiation on the human body. [4] The radiation causes different damage to the biological tissue depending on the type of Alpha, Beta, Gamma or free neutron radiation, each organ of the body has different sensitivity so that the same type of radiation can cause damage at different scales.
In radiological protection, it is more frequent to speak of one thousandth of this unit, the milliSievert (1 mSv = 0.001 Sv) and the millionth part of this unit, the microSievert (1 μSv = 0.000001 Sv).
1 microSievert (1 μSv) is: 1/10 of the dose a person would receive on a trip in a jet plane between Spain and the United Kingdom. 1/5 of the average annual dose received by each person because of the radioactive fallout.
1 milliSievert (mSv) is: The dose that a person who lived 42 days in the Himalayan mountain range at 6,700 meters of altitude would receive by cosmic radiation.